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Te Poutama Tautoko trio takes education higher

Te Poutama Tautoko trio takes education higher



Te Poutama Tautoko is about our kaimahi giving whaiora a hand-up and helping them into a space where they can reach optimum wellness independently. These ladies are on their own poutama towards academic achievement and are a shining example to their peers and whaiora alike.

Cassidy and Whakiao both completed their Te Taketake Diploma in Applied Addictions Counselling Level 7. Cassidy has now moved on to another poutama and is studying forensic psychology at Massey university with the hope to work in the forensics department for corrections in the future.

Reeana gained a diploma in addiction which she completed through EIT and is now in her last year of her Level 7 diploma with an aim to be fully registered by the end of 2021. Reeana was also selected to deliver the prestigious Valedictorian

Speech at graduation for her class which unfortunately didn’t come to fruition because of lockdown.

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